ERP support & Implementation

Our ERP Solution Advisory focuses on maximizing the business value from ERP initiatives. In our experience, simplification of strategies, processes and systems can unlock a significant value, hence our consultants work with the clients to help them simplify various aspects of their business which are impacted by ERP.

Companies across industries are upgrading to faster, more efficient technology tools to improve the agility of their business processes. Oracle’s suite of enterprise applications is hugely popular in this regard; enabling enterprises to boost performance across functions such as customer relationship, supply chain, human resources and financial management.

With Oracle products, you can optimize business workflows, boosting both customer and employee satisfaction, while reducing operational costs. An implementation partner that can align Oracle’s offerings with your specific business requirements, can help you achieve this. VGN, with its deep technology expertise and thorough understanding of industry verticals, has enabled several leading global companies to reap the advantages of Oracle enterprise applications.

VGN offers a complete spectrum of services across the Oracle ecosystem. Our dedicated Oracle Innovation and Solution Center (OISC) studies emerging technologies to see if they can be harnessed to develop high performance enterprise applications. As an Oracle Worldwide Platinum Partner and Business Accelerate Partner, we have access to the latest Oracle solutions, methodologies, and a dedicated team of experts to address business challenges across industry verticals